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A Definitive Guide to Web 3 in Social Networking


Web 3.0 is the latest version or third generation of the Internet. The web, referred to as the “world wide Web,” connects data in a decentralized manner, which assists websites and applications. Web 3.0 expands the use of blockchain-based technologies in decentralized applications. 

What is social networking? How does it differ from social media?

Social networking refers to online platforms to connect and communicate with others. These platforms allow users to create profiles, share information, and interact with others through various forms of communication, such as text, images, and videos. Social networking platforms include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and many others. 

These platforms focus on connecting and communicating with others, while social media platforms tend to focus more on content creation and consumption. Additionally, SM platforms are widely used for marketing, news, and entertainment.

Web 3.0 in social networking/networks:

As we know, Web 3.0 is decentralized, which means users have control over their data and online identities. Videos, blogs, and scrolling through feeds are popular activities users do now. Web3 social networks are blockchain-based platforms that create decentralized applications (dApps). These dApps provide users’ self-sovereign identities and generate interactions between users and the dApp. 

Smart contracts are self-executing, with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller written directly into lines of code. Web3 social networks create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), which are run by a network of users rather than a centralized authority. These organizations can also be used for social networking. It enables users to create decentralised social networking platforms where users have more control over the platform’s decisions and operations. 

Web 3.0 platforms for social media in 2023.


Mastodon is an open-source, decentralized social media platform, a part of the web 3 ecosystem. It allows users to create and join “instances” (similar to servers or communities) where they can post text, images, videos, and other content. Mastodon is not controlled by a single company or organization; users can freely join and leave different instances. It also emphasizes privacy and user control, allowing users to set their privacy settings and block or mute other users. It is based on the ActivityPub protocol and allows for seamless communication and federation across different instances.


Odysee is built on the LBRY blockchain and allows users to upload and share videos, images, and various types of content to earn cryptocurrency through the LBRY token for their contributions. Odysee is decentralised, meaning it is not controlled by a single company or organization. Instead, the platform is run by a network of users who provide storage and bandwidth for the content. This decentralisation offers greater privacy and security to users, as well as more resistance to censorship. 


The mirror is a decentralized social media platform built on the Ethereum blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), which aims to give users more control over their data and privacy. It provides users with a decentralized and distributed architecture, meaning there is no central point of control or failure.  Users can create content, share it with their followers, and earn cryptocurrency through the Mirror Token (NFT) for their contributions. It also allows users to interact with other users, join communities, and discover new content.


Steem is also a decentralized social media platform built on the Steem blockchain. It allows users to create and share content, such as text posts, images, and videos, and to earn cryptocurrency through the Steem token for their contributions. The platform allows users to vote on content, and the rewards are distributed proportionally to the vote weight. Additionally, it has a built-in reputation system, allowing users to establish a reputation and gain more influence on Steem.


Web3 social networks are decentralized and built on blockchain technology, using NFTs, decentralized identities, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and smart contracts to incentivize users to participate in the network and automate the process of executing a contract. The Increasing demand for Web-based social media platforms due to censorship and demonetization suggests blockchain could play a crucial role in the next generation of social media applications.

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Where will Blockchain Technology be in 2025?


Predicting where blockchain technology will be in 2025 is a challenging task, but here are several key trends and developments that are likely to shape the direction of the blockchain industry in the coming years.

Scalability and Interoperability:

One of the most significant trends in blockchain technology is the increasing focus on scalability and interoperability. Many blockchain platforms such as Ethereum have struggled to handle the volume of transactions that are required for large-scale adoption. 

As a result, there has been a push to develop new technologies and protocols that can improve the scalability and performance of these systems. We will likely see significant progress in this industry (blockchain technology) over the next few years, as more and more organisations and developers work on solving these challenges.

Decentralised finance (DeFi):

DeFi refers to a growing ecosystem of financial applications and services that are built on blockchain technology and operate in a decentralised manner. These applications allow users to access a wide range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. 

DeFi had explosive growth in recent years, and it is expected to continue to evolve and mature in the coming years. We will likely see more and more traditional financial services being replaced by DeFi platforms as they become more user-friendly and offer competitive features and benefits.

Social Impact and Sustainability:

Many organisations and individuals are exploring the use of blockchain to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. For example, blockchain-based platforms and initiatives are being developed to track the provenance of goods and ensure that they are produced sustainably and ethically. We will likely see more and more organisations using blockchain to create positive social and environmental impacts in the coming years.

Governance and Voting Systems:

Another area of interest is the potential use of blockchain for governance and voting systems. There is a growing belief that blockchain technology could be used to create more transparent and secure voting systems, particularly in the context of elections and referendums. Because blockchain-based voting systems could create an immutable record of every vote that is cast, which would make it difficult to tamper with the results of an election. We will likely see more and more governments and organisations using blockchain for this purpose in the coming years.

Integration with other technologies:

We will likely see more and more integration between blockchain technology and other emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G networks. These integrations could lead to new and innovative use cases for blockchain technology.

Moreover, the integration of blockchain and 5G networks could enable new types of decentralised applications and services that can operate at scale. With the increased speed and bandwidth of 5G networks, it is possible to create blockchain-based systems that can handle high volumes of transactions and data in real-time.


Despite these promising developments, it is important to recognize that there are still many challenges and impediments that need to be worked upon and met. Overall, it is clear that the future of blockchain technology is full of promise and potential. While there are certainly challenges and uncertainties, technology has the potential to transform a wide range of industries and bring about significant positive change in the world. As technology continues to evolve and mature, it will be interesting to see how it is used and the impact it brings on society and the global economy. 


Top blockchain Trends in 2023

Blockchain technology has already revolutionized the way business is done, and the possibilities continue to expand. Some experts estimated it to be a $20 billion industry in 2023, and more companies will recognize the potential of distributed ledger technology.

As such, several trends are emerging in blockchain technology that will surely shape the future of the blockchain. In this writing, we will know about some top blockchain trends for 2023, from decentralized finance (Defi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and what they mean for your business.

Trends of Blockchain Technology:

  • Asset Tokenization:

The process of tokenization is the creation of digital assets that can be traded on the blockchain. This is done by converting existing assets such as real estate into digital tokens. This permits you to purchase and trade assets on decentralized exchanges without any intermediary. Tokenization can also be used to create new assets such as loyalty points and reward points.

Tokenization has many benefits such as increased liquidity, reduced costs, and faster transactions. It can also bring new investment opportunities to individuals and institutions that were previously inaccessible. For example, tokenization has enabled partial ownership of assets. This means that you can own a portion of real estate or other assets without having to buy them outright.

Tokenization is still in its infancy and many challenges need to be overcome to realize its full potential. However, technology is evolving rapidly and there are already some exciting projects underway. With continued innovation and adoption, tokenization could have a major impact on how assets are traded in the future.

  • dApps:

Decentralized applications work on blockchain networks. They are similar to traditional apps but have some key differences because dApps are not retained by any intermediary, and they are run by a community of users, all of whom play a role in maintaining the network. They make dApps more secure and more resistant to censorship than traditional apps.

Another important difference is that dApps often use cryptographic tokens to power their networks and due to their cryptographic nature, the use of these tokens can encourage users to join the network or reward them for their contributions. This creates an ecosystem of users invested in the success of dApps.

So far, there have been several successful dApps based on Ethereum, EOS, and other blockchain platforms. Common examples include CryptoKitties, Augur, and MakerDAO. As more developers create dApps and more users use them, more amazing decentralized applications could emerge in the years to come!

  • Private Blockchain:

Private blockchains operate in a private context or closed network, using peer-to-peer connectivity similar to public blockchain networks. Businesses use this blockchain network to customize authentication settings and other key security options. Transactions on this network are faster than on the public blockchain and offer companies the opportunity to scale their network size up or down.

Only certain users can validate and submit transactions and view data on the chain. Via cryptography and consensus mechanisms, it ensures network security and provides a secure platform for exchanging funds and assets between parties.

Private blockchains can use different consensus models such as Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), or hybrid consensus models. These mechanisms allow private blockchain participants to independently verify each transaction without relying on third-party verification services or miners.

  • NFTs focus on real-world Utility:

NFTs are growing in popularity due to their focus on real-world utility. As you know, NFTs are digital assets that cannot be exchanged due to their uniqueness. This makes them flawless for the usage of such things, as collectibles, games, and even digital art.

One of the advantages of NFTs is that they can be transmitted and stored on the blockchain, which makes them more secure than traditional assets, which are often vulnerable to fraud. Additionally, NFTs can be bought and sold on decentralized exchanges, giving users more control over their investments.

The growing interest in NFTs has led to the development of new platforms and applications that utilize this technology. The most popular are decentralized, Axie Infinity, and Crypto Kitties. These applications allow clients/users to buy, sell or trade virtual assets in a safe and transparent mode. NFTs are likely to continue to grow in popularity in the coming years due to their focus on real-world utility.

  • DAOs Go Mainstream:

Over the past year, the popularity of distributed autonomous organizations (DAOs) has skyrocketed. A DAO is a decentralized organization run by a set of rules encoded on the blockchain. Rules are enforced by the network of users participating in the DAO.

DAOs have several advantages over traditional organizations. They are censorship and corruption resistant, transparent and efficient. Additionally, DAOs can be created and operated without expensive infrastructure or centralized management.

The rise of DAOs is partly due to the increasing maturity of blockchain technology. With the availability of a more robust platform and tools, getting started with DAO is easier than ever. Additionally, the rise of Ethereum-based protocols has made it possible to launch complex DAOs with multiple layers of governance.

As you know, DAOs are becoming more and more popular and we expect more innovations in this area. We believe that DAO will eventually go mainstream and become a major force in the global economy.

  • Decentralized finance (DeFi):

DeFi refers to a growing ecosystem of financial applications and services that are built on blockchain technology and operate in a decentralized manner. These applications allow users to access a wide range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. 

The DeFi space has seen explosive growth in recent years, and it is expected to continue to evolve and mature in the coming years. We will likely see more and more traditional financial services being replaced by DeFi platforms as they become more user-friendly and offer competitive features and benefits.


Overall, it is clear that the future of blockchain technology is full of promise and potential. While there are certainly challenges and uncertainties, technology has the potential to transform a wide range of industries and bring about significant positive change in the world. As technology continues to evolve and mature, it will be interesting to see how it is used and the impact it has on society and the global economy.

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Top Trends of Metaverse in 2023

Top trends of Metaverse in 2023

The Metaverse is a persistent, user-created online world that exists across platforms. It is a shared, open environment where avatars can interact with each other and with virtual objects. The metaverse can be used for socializing, gaming, or other activities.

The term “metaverse” was first introduced by Neil Stevenson in his science fiction novel Snow Crash. In this book, the Metaverse is his three-dimensional representation of the Internet, allowing avatars to interact with each other and with virtual objects. The Metaverse is similar to Second Life, the online world that started in 2003.

There are several trends to describe what the metaverse will look like as it becomes more widely available. One thing is for sure, it’s not just another place to gamble.

Trends of Metaverse:

2023 is shaping up to be an important year for the Metaverse. Here are a few trends that could rule the metaverse in 2023.

  • Increased Interactivity and Social Connectivity:

As technology advances, the metaverse becomes increasingly interactive and social. With avatars in immersive environments such as multiplayer games, virtual reality experiences, and other shared spaces, there are even more ways to connect with others.

  • Improved Graphics and Immersion:

Graphics and immersion are key ingredients in making the Metaverse a fun place to be. As hardware and software evolve, we see more realistic and believable graphics that make it easy to forget you’re not in the real world.

  • More Engaging Content:

Content within the metaverse becomes more engaging as creators strive to make their work more immersive. As individuals leave their footprints in the metaverse, there will be more user-generated experiences, worlds, and objects. This may include more interactive elements such as games and puzzles.

  • Increased Security:

As the metaverse has grown in popularity, security measures have been put in place to protect user information and prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of unsuspecting victims.

  • Greater Customization Options:

Users have more customization options regarding their avatars and the environments in which they exist within the metaverse. This includes everything from customizing your avatar’s appearance to choosing the type of panorama you want to explore.

  • Improved Users Experience:

The user experience within the metaverse continues to improve as technology advances. This improved experience makes it easier for users to steer and find the content they’re scrutinizing for.

  • Decentralization:

The trend toward decentralization will continue. The metaverse will become more decentralized as people build their own experiences and platforms using open-source technology. This creates a more participatory and democratic metaverse where everyone has a say in how they develop.

Future of Metaverse?

The metaverse is constantly evolving and the future of the metaverse is always in flux. However, there are some key trends that we can expect to shape the future of the metaverse.

First, the growing popularity of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies means that more and more people will interact with the Metaverse via AR/VR devices. This will proliferate his AR/VR content and experiences within the Metaverse, creating new ways to interact with and navigate the Metaverse.

Second, artificial intelligence (AI) will play an increasingly important role in the Metaverse. AI-powered avatars and bots will become more commonplace, and AI will be used to create more realistic and believable environments and characters.


Heading into 2023, the popularity of the Metaverse will explode. As new platforms and technologies emerge, blockchain-based metaverse applications emerge, social media platforms grow, and companies and organizations use the metaverse for training and simulation, it is clear that the metaverse is the future of online interactions.

In addition, Web 3.0 and the existing open-ended virtual world will bring much-needed stability to the Metaverse, allowing existing players to continue using existing and upcoming resources. While media will provide new platforms and opportunities to new players for shaping the future of the metaverse.

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What Is NFT Metadata

NFT metadata is a crucial element of NFT projects and blockchain technology. Digital assets are tracked, and their owners are identified using them. This blog article will examine NFT Metadata and its application to blockchain technology. 

NFT Metadata

The metadata of an NFT describes the digital asset’s extra attributes and characteristics. This can contain the item’s creation date and time, the name and contact details of the creator, an explanation of the asset, and searchable keywords. Blockchain ledgers that hold metadata enable NFT owners to keep track of and maintain their assets.

An NFT maker can create something that is one-of-a-kind and hard to replicate because of the metadata. As a result, investors and collectors are very interested in NFTs with comprehensive metadata.

Where is the NFT Metadata Kept?

NFTs are kept in the decentralized IPFS (interplanetary file system), a group of machines that interact using the same protocol. To support a large number of users and NFTs, the system is distributed and scalable. The interplanetary file system’s resistance to censorship and data loss is its key benefit. This is so that if one node in the network goes offline, it won’t impact the other nodes since the data is dispersed among several distinct nodes.

The interplanetary file system has the drawback of being slower and less effective than other storage systems. However, this compromise is worthwhile for many users who prioritize censorship resistance and data confidentiality.

This distinguishes and adds value to NFTs: since their data is kept on the blockchain, they cannot be duplicated or altered. A token that reflects the underlying data is what you purchase when buying an NFT. The data is unchangeable and stored safely on the Ethereum blockchain. As a result, using NFTs to acquire and sell digital assets is safe.

Off-Chain NFT Storage

Your NFTs are entrusted to a third-party service when you store them off-chain, such as with a cloud storage provider like Google Drive or AWS. Your NFTs are tracked by this service, which also makes sure they’re always available to you. One should be aware that off-chain storage of NFTs has several dangers. First, your NFTs can be permanently lost if the provider goes out of business. Second, your NFTs could’ve been taken if the service had been hacked.

Your NFTs can become unreachable due to the service, which would prohibit you from trading or transferring them. Therefore, before choosing, it is crucial to consider the advantages and disadvantages of holding your NFTs off-chain.

NFT Metadata With JSON Data

To mint an NFT, you must first produce a JSON file with the necessary NFT information that describes what the token represents.

A JSON file format for encoding metadata will soon be implemented on the Ethereum network, making it simpler for NFTs to communicate with smart contracts. Developers may store JSON information on the Ethereum blockchain thanks to the ERC 721 Ethereum NFT standard.

This is especially helpful for NFTs, which frequently require to contain extra information like the name of the artist, a description of the NFT, or license details. The web3 API and other JSON-based systems, such as them, are more easily interoperable with NFTs thanks to the JSON standard. Additionally, it enables metadata-based querying and filtering of NFTs.

A few crucial data bits must be present in the JSON file for constructing NFT metadata. You must first give the NFT a unique identification. It may be a URL or another distinctive string. The NFT’s description, title, and keywords must be added, along with some other foundational metadata.

The file type for the NFT itself should also be specified. Doing this will make it possible for people to interact with it and show it properly. You may generate a whole and valuable JSON file for your NFTs by including these necessary data bits.

NFT Metadata Technicalities:

The following NFT discussion will employ the traditional Ethereum ERC-721 token standard.

The description of each ERC-721 includes a “metadata” string that describes the non-fungible token in detail. For instance, this information may identify a certain. JPEG, yet a CryptoPunk.JPEG and a DeadFellaz.JPEG differ significantly. Although JPEG files are similar in size, their values are very different.

The main issue that confuses people regarding NFT metadata is where files are stored off-chain—is it anything like Google Drive? Is it a storage area for files on Amazon Web Services? Who oversees the online storage of NFT metadata?

Each NFT refers to online-based audio or visual (image, audio, etc.) asset. It sends a request to a particular place for the material, returning the requested content for you to view or hear. NFTs often point to an HTTP URL or an IPFS  hash that is located online.

ERC-721s specify metadata in a standardized JSON format, which resembles this: ERC-721s specify metadata in a standardized JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, which often is maintained by the website that hosts the NFT.

    "title": "Asset Metadata",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Identifies the asset to which this NFT represents",
        "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Describes the asset to which this NFT represents",
        "image": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this NFT represents. Consider making any images at a width between 320 and 1080 pixels and aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 inclusive.",

Since storing a JSON would be excessively costly and resource-demanding, the data is kept as a URI  inside the Ethereum contract. However, the URI string directs the visitor to a page where they may get the JSON description of the token.

On the blockchain, the token’s metadata is a permanent, irrevocable record containing information about its ownership, what it stands for, and its transaction history. The image’s name, description, URL for hosting, and occasionally other specific information like the project’s total supply, the type of encryption used, and a unique signature are all contained in the JSON file.

NFTs’ Limitations

Typically, this JSON metadata just serves to identify the object and doesn’t offer any further information beyond the absolute minimum.

Multiple initiatives are aiming to fix the Ethereum network’s flaw and restriction that the data isn’t particularly searchable or accessible by other smart contracts.

The token issuers, the legal owners of the NFT contract, provide the data. For better or worse, users cannot update the data, which can be difficult for several reasons.

Links can break, as we have observed in the changing Internet ecology. Since the NFT metadata contains a link that directs you to another location where you may view the art, if that link is broken, you will be required to a highly costly 404 error page. Users are unable to change either the JSON data or the links.

The main problem is that the NFT’s inherent worth may be in jeopardy if the data could be updated. The market would react, most certainly severely, if, for instance, a hostile third party discovered an exploit to replace all of the Bored Ape Yacht Club image information with images of real apes found on Google.